Welcome To Atkinsons Law ‘The Family Lawyers’

Atkinsons the Family Lawyers was established in 1984 by Bridget Atkinson LL.B (Hons).
The practice is considered to be one of the best divorce practices in Wales.
Bridget, who is also considered to be one of the best family lawyers in the country, has recently retired leaving an experienced family team.
The team have a wealth of experience dealing with all matters relating to relationship breakdown.
The practice is a niche practice offering friendly expert advice. The practice has acted for thousands of families, many sports celebrities, high net worth clients and world champions.
The practice has grown and continues to grow as a result of recommendations by previous clients.
Atkinsons believes the most important person is you the client and we do our upmost to achieve the right result for you.
What we do
Divorce Proceedings
Children &
Wills &
Client Feedback
“Many thanks to you and the team at Akinsons for all that you have done in representing myself during the past 2+years. You have been the utmost professional a great reassurance throughout this divorce process and I’m not sure that I would have made it with my sanity intact without you.”
“Thank you for the tremendous work Alan, yourself and Sarah have put in to get this outcome. My family are and always will be grateful in these very stressful times.”
“The service was excellent and your staff are friendly and helpful. Can’t fault it.”
“Here we are, all completed and it is with a certain amount of sadness that all the loose ends of Richard’s estate have now been dealt with. Thank you very much for the care and understanding with which you handled everything, Richard’s family are all very grateful for the work you and your team did on our behalf.”